Sunday, July 10, 2011

Information about emancipation in Mississippi.?

Before I start, I would like to state that I am a sixteen year old female who, in some of your opinions, might be on a "high horse", living in a fantasy world, or trying to grow up too fast. But I would like to state that in fact, I do know the difference between reality and fantasy, I was forced to grow up early since the death of my father two years ago, and I am aware of being with the same person for years at a time when you're young might cause you to miss out on valuable experiences. But, I am content with who I am, what I am doing, and I am also quite intellegent. I would also like to remind you that there is no age requirement for knowing what love is. For almost three years now nonstop (meaning no break-ups or separations), I have been with my boyfriend. We have the highest level of compatibility possible, share the same relationship goal, and care for each other immensely. We are also best friends and are each other's therapists. But sadly, his family does not approve of our relationship. Especially his Mother, who has had a history of drug and alcohol problems. She continually verbally abuses him and I, and often threatens him with physical punishment, even though he is almost 17. My Mother, him, and I feel like it would be in our (and his) best interest to have him legally emancipated, and to have him live with us. He has stayed with us for long periods of time before, and we have gotten along quite well. He has a job, and is a very responsible young man with a good head on his shoulders. However, I have a strong feeling his Mother will not approve of it, so we will most likely have to battle in court. We have many viable reasons that would allow us to win this case, such as the fact that his Mother verbally abuses him, they often have their electricity, water and cable cut off for failure to pay the bills, there are 7 people living in a small 3 bedroom house with two of the children not having rooms (which is illegal, as I learned from my Mom's friend who is a cop), they rarely have enough food to support the family, sometimes they can't provide the proper medical care for my boyfriend (he had a serious case of staph infection on his leg, and his Mom did not take him to the hospital or doctor), I often have to buy him some of the things he needs, such as body wash, shampoo, after-shave, deoderant and sometimes food, I often witness his 19 year old brother beat him up in front of his Mom, and her not do anything. They also have no respect for him. His Mother makes him raise and watch her own children almost 24/7, and his bedroom is used as a storage room despite the fact they have room in their hall closet, attic and large shed. I also have noticed that they possess alcohol in their house, even though his Mother cannot legally have alcohol in the house, due to the fact that she goes to drug court. She also knows that her 19 year old son who is soon to be a father with his girlfriend that lives in the house too smokes marijuana and who knows what else. I would like to have more information about the requirements of emancipation in Mississippi, and how long the process would take. I would also like to know if by chance she does agree to emancipating him, can she just sign a legal paper and get it over with that day? And where can I obtain the legal paper? Also, I need some tips on how to approach her about the situation. Also, is it legal for him to come stay with me for the rest of the summer until we can get him emancipated, even if his Mother says no, because he feels unsafe in his environment? Please only answer if you know for a fact what you are saying is true, and please don't answer to lecture me. I've been there, done that, and I am obviously happy with what I want to pursue in the future.

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