Sunday, July 10, 2011

Staph Infection or giant zits?

So I had what I thought was a huge pimple on my back. it was hard and very tender and red. So stupid me tried to pop it and it scanned over into a yellowish scab. It's not really a normal pimple because it's very hard on the upper part of my back behind my shoulder. It's basically a sore but I'm scared it's staph! Then yesterday I got the same thing on my forehead! It's a hard, tender, sore bump that is now a yellowish scab, and not bleeding. I usually get acne about a week before my period which is now, but these are huge lol. It looks like I ran into a door! So I want to know if this seems serious? My parents are away so I can't really go tithe doctor without getting other family to take me! Thank you!

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