Friday, July 15, 2011

Can I get social security disability?

I noticed that many people I know are collecting social security disability while having no valid medical or mental conditions and working under the table and F***ing off. They are mostly immigrants. I am getting sick of having to pay 380$ for insurance a month and paying 50$ bucks for prescriptions when these drug addicts go and get free disability and don't have to pay **** for prescription AND do not have to pay insurance. I would love to sit around and glom like a fat f***, but I am too busy working my *** off to get leached off of. Is there any way I can become a fat *ss leach and get SSD after my ancestors and their ancestors and me have been paying into the system for almost 3 generations? I am working two jobs and overtime and this **** doesn't seem to be working out for me. I would love to be some leach that smokes weed all day and does Nahhthin..

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