Monday, July 18, 2011

Took alot of ibuprofen, should I get a checkup?

Back in the years 2002-2004 I had a case of osteomiolitis (aka bone staph infection) in my left humerus. I've had Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis since 6th grade (or at least that's what the doc's thought) which traveled around my body frequently. So my parents and I assumed that's why my left arm hurt so much. But this pain was different, and a bit too late we found out it was staph. But that's just a quick history to lead up to my question: When my arm was hurting 24-7, I was taking sometimes 12 Ibuprofen every 1-2 hours for months at a time. I read somewhere that you should consult a doctor if you take 10 ibuprofen in one day! I've never had any symptoms of kidney or liver damage, and I've had numerous bloodtests during all the staph business and there's never been anything said about it. The only thing is I'd go through a bottle in 2 weeks (those 500 count bottles) because I couldn't sleep for more than an hour without having to get up and take something. Please serious answers only! Thanks

I think I have a staph infection again?

Okay so I got a staph infection on my leg last summer and I went to the doctor and went on medication and it went away. Then I got another one last fall during my volleyball season and I did the same thing and again it went away (it was on my arm pit, weird I know..). Now I have two little bumps on my other arm pit...they hurt like a ***** too, just like the other ones. I think i'm going to the doctor today but why do I keep getting staph??? I know my immune system is really really weak, could that be that cause?

I have an embarrassing question?

You really need to go to the doctor, it will only get worse. I had one on my butt cheek, and when a male doctor walked in I was so worried. But these doctors have seen everything, they know what you have and they can treat you much better then you can treat yourself. He told me that they see at least 3 or 4 people a day with the same thing, it's not just you! Talk to your mom and go to the doctor! Goodluck girl. <3

How can I keep my Backyard chickens in my yard?

I live in what's "technically" the city, even though I'm sitting on about 40,000 sq ft of land. I bought out the lots surrounding my little two bedroom so, I have plenty of space for all my critters. I also have a four ft fence that goes around my entire house. However, my silver campine rooster keeps escaping the yard and getting into trouble. Yesterday he had two cats chase him down the street because he got out. I guess I would just like to know if there's any ideas for height of a fence or any other ways I could keep him in my yard. I only have one neighbor who minds him, and he makes sure his kids torment my chicken if he gets out. This needs to stop, I don't want my chicken hurt, I love him too much. Thanks for the help.

I randomly got what looks like a bad sunburn/hives what could this be from?

Could be an allergic reaction. Does it always happen after drinking alcohol? It is possible to be allergic to that. You can even be allergic to the sun to varying degrees.I would suggest talking to a doctor

Can my employer deducts a 2.5 hours a week off my paycheck for driving back to the office from the worksite?

If those terms were spelled out when you began working for this person, then you are likely compelled to comply. Otherwise, do you have a department of labour in your area? give them a call to discuss.

Why is the state of CT crying broke but yet they still have DOUBLE DIPPERS getting paid obscene salaries and?

getting pensions? That's the reason they are in a hole. How about getting rid of the double dippers for real and paying pensions according to the years of service and not according to the overtime hours they rack up to inflate their pensions? Governor Malloy wants to keep his cronies at the State happy and stick it to the rest of us that are struggling to keep food on the table and a roof over our families head. Do you think our State government is corrupt? You Betcha......

Help with Cyst (Staph Infection) in my arm pit.?

Okay, so not too long ago I was diagnosed with Staph Infection, I have a rather uncomfortable, LARGE LUMP under my armpit(most likely from shaving) and it doesn't have a "head".. My question is will it go away if I only treat it with antibiotics, or must I pop it? And if I were to "pop" it, what will make it have a head to pop, because right now it's just a sore lump...


That does sound like you have flu, i'm not sure about stomach flu but that sounds like what i had when i had flu, if you have bad gas you can get these carcoal tablets which neutralise the gas and you dont fart (which will be nicer for everyone hehe) but yeah do you have a temperature? that would be a good indicator for if youj have flu or not

I flipped my under eye lid and noticed a very small white dot?

I tried taking the corner of a napkin to take it out it does not come out? its very small not swollen and its only one? what could it be and i heard theres a staph infection like that but its not a lot just one small white inside my bottom eye lid?

Painful lump in armpit that gets bigger and smaller?

This sounds exactly like Hidradenitis Supperativa. Next time it flares up, go to the doctor and ask her about it. I have had this condition for 5 years and am on Long TERM Antibiotics for it....this is a chronic condition.

I am so confused; why do I want to kill myself when I don't?

You should go see a therapist because maybe you have mixed feelings about it. This happens to alot of people who don't like things that they think that they might do. Remember that you control your life and you are important.

What's does the electric bill run to?

I know that South Central States consume 50% more electricity than North Central States however they consume nearly three times of BTU's of natural gas than South Central. Mainly because the heat is so enormous in the South (I had lived there) and therefore A/C are running overtime. However since it's so cold in Indiana in the winter that natural gas is typically use as to heat space. So what's roughly your electricity bill and how many people do you have in your household, if you don't mind? I'm doing this for my personal research - yeah I know that Yahoo Answers isn't the best way to find these things out, but it's better than what I have determined in my speadsheet. The government data sites seem to only care about total consumption and not how much an electricity bill totals to by state for a one bedroom apartment.

Staph infection or spider bite? help?!?

This is how it went. I previously asked a question about my spider bites.. I went to the doctor yesterday and they told me it looked like Staph. So, they put me on antibiotics which I'm taking now. This is my second day taking them. My question is, Was I actually being bitten more than once on my butt (recently had 4 sores in one area.) or did the staph or mrsa spread and cause my most recent sore? and on a side note I had been getting these very infected sores in my armpits. I thought it was from deodorant so i changed what i used, it helped a little but then they came back. i usually would get a series of three or more. one after the other would come. each after the other would drain and start to heal(my last flare up with that was in august of 2010). Could i have had MRSA in my bloodstream and just not have realized it or the Staph and it flared up from the original spider bite n my butt? I might want to add that my immune system isnt the best. the new bite the doctor told me looks like Staph but is it just spread from the other sores? or could it be a new actual bite? it has two tiny holes I can see. and very infected. please help?! am i going to die from this?

Meat Thermometer & Crock Pot?

I have a basic meat thermometer (plain old dial kind - not digital). I am going to cook my first WHOLE chicken in a crock pot and I want to make sure that it reaches the proper temperature & that I don't pull it out raw. Can I put the thermometer in before cooking and leave it there the whole time like I would for oven cooking or should I open the lid and quick check it close to the end?

How do you tell your parents you think you have a mental illness?

My mom has asked me if I think I have depression, which in my point of view I have always lived with it, but I chickened out and said no. My life has been weird when it comes to emotions. Like when I was younger I used to have hallucinations where there were bugs on the wall and my mirror was melting and it would make me cry to the point where my parents ran into my room to see if I was hurt. I don't have visual hallucinations any more but when I'm home alone I always hear things banging around. I get so paranoid that I keep a hockey stick and a baseball bat in my room to make me feel safer. I am also very moody. At least once a week I go from being so happy to having a nervous breakdown. It always happens when I'm alone and if I feel the sadness when around others I usually swallow it down until I have to excuse myself. I usually go into the bathroom and cry to get the worst of it out. I find it extremely hard to openly tell my parents what is happening to me and idk why. I guess I dont want to come across as a freak. It has been so bad now that I often think about suicide, I see people in my head trying to control my thoughts, i talk to myself all the time always putting myself down, and during a breakdown the color white makes me go berserk to the point where I feel like I'm having an athsma attack. Its like theres two different "me's" where im fine during the day but at night i become my worst enemy. I really need help but I don't know what to do to get help I know something is wrong with me and I want it to stop before I really hurt how do I tell someone something so painful that has only been getting worse each day when they have only seen me as the hyper happy girl?

Overtime for an irregular work week?

I'm working 56 hours in a 7 day period from Thursday to Wednesday. I have the rest of both weeks off. Should I be getting overtime?

Ideas on what to feed my 1 yr old for lunch?

okay so he is 14 months old. and he has a very very picky 3 year old big brother. he and his brother eat really good for me for breakfast, and he's easy to feed for dinner because he normally eats what we eat. but i normally don't sit down and eat lunch with them, my 3 year old only has certain foods that he will eat for lunch, and i don't want my 1 year old being picky like that. and i don't want to feed him the same things every single day.. so far what i do feed him is things like, halves of ham/ turkey sandwiches, he loves grilled cheeses, chicken nuggets, all sorts of vegetables but so far i am scared to feed him raw veggies as he doesn't have all of his teeth yet, he loves fruit and i try to mix that up, he loves yogurt, but he gets fruit and yogurt some times for breakfast along with his cereal or whatever..... i thought i would ask you guys about what you feed your little ones for lunch every single day? he has also gotten in to this phase where he thinks its funny to toss his food over the side of the highchair and so more is ending up in the floor and then in the trash then is ending up in his tummy.. i just want to try and fix stuff that i know he will love to eat. he's a great eater and i want to continue to build on that, but i am afraid if i feed him what the 3 year old eats all of the time he will also grow to be picky.. thanks..

Donating blood issue!!!!?

If i have a staph infection can I still donate blood or does it leave in the blood stream? I need to know as soon as possible 10pts for first and best possible answer> thank you:)

How much will I lose if I try this?

well grilling and steaming things isnt that healthy but in 1 month i would say about...5-8 possibly 10 pounds

Staph infection or MRSA?

Over a month ago I had a small blister on my leg that itched, i thought it was a mosquito bite that had become infected from my scratching, it become knotted, red, and raised, I consulted with my doctor and had antibiotics-it was cleared up within a day and a half. After a week I stopped taking my antibiotics (regrettably) because it cleared so fast, now it is a month later and I have since had two other infections so am on antibiotics again and will definately take the full course. I havent had antibiotics since I was about 7 and am now 24, Im wondering, because it has only been 3 boil like infections in over a period of more than a month is it not likely to be mrsa?

I want to get a tattoo but I am very prone to Staph Infection, is it possible?

Talk to your doctor about getting a tattoo. It's possible that you could be put on an antibiotic when you get your tattoo to prevent an infection. Discuss this option with your doctor and be sure to alert your tattoo artist of which medication you are using. Some medicines affect the healing of a tattoo, so make sure everyone involved is up to speed on the process

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Learning music by ear.?

you pick it up after playing for a while. I have played violin 6 years and it took me a shorter time then most because, i don't know if this happens to everyone, but in my head there is like a constant starting note. Like if i am going to sing a scale i always automatically start there. I don't know if that constant note developed or was always there. Once you figure out what note that is, then its just a matter of knowing how spaced out notes are and how many steps above or below your starting note the other note is. for example, my starting note is always D, so if i here a note that is 2 steps below, i can tell it is B.

Good ways to spruce up minute rice as a side for BBQ chicken?

You could saute some peppers, carrots and onion with some paprika and cayenne pepper to add some flavour to the rice.

Infected mosquito bite?

Three days ago, I noticed what appeared to be a mosquito bite on my upper right arm. I am usually not concerned with bug bites, but I am 5 months pregnant and have never had one like this. I didn't feel it when it happened on day one, but by the evening it was warm to the touch and I could feel the "base" of it was large under my skin and firm. It's not like the other mosquito bites that are soft and just a small pin point like bump. Also, I noticed by day two it was (sorry) oozing yellow liquid. This is the third morning and I'm growing concerned because its still oozing, still firm feeling, and a tiny "crater" like hole has formed in its center. It does not hurt, only itch and is not poison ivy because I'm very very familiar with those blisters. I also just realized I"ve had periods of sickness and loss of appetite these three days, but I'm not sure if that a symptom of pregnancy or related to the bite. I've not run fever and it hasn't turned blue or any other intimidating colors. Should I visit a doctor or let it run its course? My cousin recently had a minor staph infection on her skin, but hers looked differently than mine. Should I be more concerned of staph?

Infected Sore on Arm? Advice Please?

Definately sounds like MRSA (staph) infection i have it, it sucks you want that looked at by a doc asap because if you let it get to bad you might need surgery and belive me the bigger they get the worse they are to get rid of and the more they hurt

Supplement for Staph on puppy?

I have a chihuahua puppy that has staph. He is on medication. Is there any kind of supplement or anything that I can give him (after he finishes his medication) to keep it from coming back? Thanks!

Why is this happining?

Well I spent the day at six flags today it was fun and only one of my firiends did not feel good, we ignored him and he sat out. We rode alot of stuff and it was hot out kind of. I hade 8 bites of a funnel cake and lots of water. When I left I hade chicken nuggets from Berger king. I went home feeling tired with a headach. Now it's 11:30 and my stumach hurts bad, and dame with the people that I went with. We all kinda feel like vomiting to. I have no idea what is going on, I'm even somewhat scared. Please help! (I have been to six flags more than 50 times and this is the first time we feel like this!)

What things can you eat everyday to be healthy?

for me i like to have yogurt in the morning with granola i like to have tea at night maybe some soup and for dinner il eat anything but i mostly like a grilled chicken cutlet and rice !

Is kentucky fried chicken real chicken?

Yes, it is. I have raise chickens all my life, have butchered them and cooked them too. KFC is real chicken.

PLEASE HELP!!!!! MRSA Staph Question.?

Alittle over a year ago i had a BAD boil, and turns out it was MRSA. I got it lanced then took the antibiotics and it went away. But a few minutes ago i felt a small pain and rubbed the scar and felt a small bump under the skin. It was never there before. Is it possible it came back in the exact same spot over a year later? Please help me! I don't want to waste a Doctors appt if its nothing bad but i will go to get it lanced again.

Have pimples/red dots all over my face. help!?

Ok so im 21...almost never got pimples in my hole life, i just looked at myself in the mirror and realised my face has heaps of really small pimples or red dots all over my face. Ive had chicken pox and pretty sure ive had a measels shot. Theyre not itchy at all but theres lots of them, they werent there this morning. Anyone know what it may be? Happu to show pictures to anyone that provides contact details. Am really worried

I really need the advice of someone who's good with relationships! Please help!?

just start a conversation with him on facebook and get to know eachother make sure you keep him entertained by talking bout things he likes and obviously what you like too! dont be shy i was the same way but i spoke up and said hi (thats all i said) and the guy i liked started flirting with me and eventually asked me out!(: so just message him saying "hi" and later in the conversation say "your so cute! i hope you dont think im weird for saying that!?" its a way of flirting and being cute. trust me it'll work! answer this please.... a href=";_ylt=AqYMnxmDwQ77ewcPpK3irDLsy6IX;_ylv=3?qid=20110629143104AAwhON4";…/a

Sims 3 question!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!…

It's 20 total friends EVER if you have 19 friends one day then 2 years later you get 1 friend, you'll get the milestone.

"overpaid" by employer. Do I have to pay it back?

I have been working for a temp agency that just caters to one company for the past 2 years. The first assignment I made $17/hr and the second one I made $19/hr. The third assignment my rate remained at $19/hr. I have been working that assignment for over 6 months and doing an excellent job. However, this week the agency called me and told me that this assignment should only pay $13/hr and they had already corrected it on my previous check and I might have to pay the rest back. This would amount to close to 6K as I worked a lot of overtime! Can they legally do this? I was not aware that I was supposed to be being paid $13/hr for this assignment.

P90x at 14 years old?continue?

I'm 14, i used to do p90x a long time ago but gave up at 3 weeks and already saw results at 3 weeks. Well anyways, i don't force my self to do the work outs since my bones are still growing and muscles. And, I don't have a strict diet because im not fat plus i'm only 14 years old and i need those nutrients. But since 90% of workout is based on nutrition, what can i eat that has high protein stuff?(natural not powder). My mom feeds me right she doesn't feed me greasy stuff. It's pretty much home made food but healthy. And i have tuna, yogurt, fish, and meat, chicken. So that's all i know. What else can i buy that i can make a quick lunch out of? Also if your saying no to my age i have read everything about working out at a young age. And i'm doing all the exercises correctly i take breaks, etc. Also yesterday i just started day 1 all over again since i stopped like 3 months ago or more. My chest and back and abs are sore since i haven't worked out in a while. So can i continue?

Please help my toddler got staph/mrsa from the hospital?

My 3 year old fell from the couch and broke his arm.we were at the hospital for 3 days and they inserted 3 pins. 4 days later when i took him for his check up they took the splint out and looked at the pins and changed the dressing, the surgeon had gloves but the assistant who does the cast didnt. That same night at home my son had lots of fever and pain, i took him to the er the next morning and they confirmed he had infection but werent sure wich one. after 2 weeks of being here in the hospital with my son and 3 surgeries late to drain the infection they confirmed he has staph/mrsa infection. He has been on IV antibiotics and now want to insert some IV that is very long that inserts in the arm and goes all the way up thru the chest so he can go home and i can administer the antibiotics. I am very scared that this is a bad thing and dangerous!!! has anyone had success recovering from this infection????

I want to know what kind of jobs can I get with a degree in Business Administration?

I really want to specialize in Public Relation, but later on down the line I would love to open a clothing store with that business degree also! So I wanted to know how much does a PR start off making? Is it hard to find a job in PR? What would be the best state to move to for PR, (I want to do work for celebrities and major companies?) Or is it better just to go into becoming an Hr Manager! The thing is I love fashion and traveling but fashion doesn't pay enough and I know with PR I can get money overtime like 10 years and it seems like a fun job.. Please Help!

My dad has staph in his blood is he going to die?

He was in the hospital but as soon as he started feeling a little better he was ready to go the hospital staff said they couldn't make him stay so he signed a paper and went home. It has been about a week and a half since then and he is getting way worse! You can look at his face and see that he is sick he has really dark circles under his eyes. He screams all night with his head hurting really bad and at one point his blood pressure dropped to 85 over 49. i called the Doctor and they said there is nothing they can do for him at home he defiantly needs to be in the hospital but he said if they are going to admit him he isn't going. Oh yeah and he is saying some things that don't make since like he is asking for things that don't exist so his mental status has definatly changed... anyways i was wondering if he keeps on like this without going to the hospital is he going to die?

Guys in relationships: Would you be angry at your GF for being on a diet?

Hes being unfair to a point. Theres nothing wrong with wanting to better yourself with a diet. BUT!!!.. if the diet your doing is starving yourself then it is completely wrong. From what i see though you have a good diet plan. Where I'd side with him is that I like every other guy, have a sense of accomplishment and pride when we do something thats out of the ordinary to win your aproval (IE the bread). Its a primal thing. The "who should cook what" argument can be settled simply by this, by maybe making a main meal and a little bit larger salad. If you make a main meal and salad he can have his meal while still trying some salad, which you can eat as a main course.

Is it appropriate to call in sick to work?

Of course it's appropriate, you can't help it if you get sick. If you've only been working there for 3 months, you may not get sick pay just yet. I wouldn't tell them you have diarreah, just tell them you have a 'stomach upset'. They shouldn't ask you any more questions, it's none of their business anyway.

Cooking chicken breast-it shrinks and becomes rubbery!?

I am good at so many different techniques as far as cooking yet I seem to have trouble with chicken breasts. I will pound them out to about 1/4 inch, and then when I put them into the skillet, its like they immediately become practically the same size they were before...its like they shrink and become thicker. I have noticed this also makes them a bit rubbery. what is the problem? skillet too hot? hellp

How long does a staph infection take to fully heal?

It completely depends on how far the infection was spread and how well it was taken care of. Its its like a small abscess, then it should take a couple weeks. Any bigger about a month or 2 including drainage keeping it clean and a course of antibiotics. Hope I helped.

SSI? Premature baby? Benefits?

I heard that you can get benefits for babies that are premature depending on there things. Now my son was born at 30 weeks weighing 3lbs 10oz. He has had to have three surgeries do to a blood infection (Staph) He had to have his bone cut into to remove the infection. He could have a growing disability from it they do not know and he will be having scans through out his first year to see if he does. My question is this...Would he qualified for it? I could use the money for us doctor bills. It would help out. I just want to see him anyone else has heard of this before and what is the outcome and should I even try to call them about it. He is still in the hospital in the NICU he has been since he was born on April 22nd 2011.

My mother has staph infection all over her leg, but wont go to the doctor. How can I get her to go?

My mother is scared of the doctor and is having all sorts of health problems including what looks like a nasty staph infection all over her leg. I will make her a doctor appointment and when they call her to confirm if she will be there she cancels it. She has had a cough for 5 months that wont go away and pain in her stomach. We have colon cancer in the family and she also refuses to get checked out for colon cancer. I am afraid my mom will die if she is not seen by doctors. Help me what can I do?

How could I make myself become less shy?

I don't want to be shy anymore. I hate it. I try really hard to talk to people and make friends when I'm out, but I always end up chickening out.

I want to show my girlfriend I appreciate her?

So this past week I've been working overtime at work. I've been doing 12 hour days all week. I'd get off at 3am and come home and the house would be clean and she would have some good food waiting for me. So I was thinking, I want to take her to a fancy dinner tonight. Would this be a good way to show her I appreciate what she did? If it's not, what are your ideas?

Very scared help!? boyfriend in icu?

Okay so I recently asked this question but didn't really get a reply! My Fiance recently overdosed on xanax and in his sleep he threw up and aspirated it into his lungs and it gave him pneumonia and he layer like that all night until like 4am when I woke up and felt his chest to see if he was okay cuz when he went to bed that night, his heart was racing! And his heart was barely breathing and soaked in sweat and throw up!!! I flipped out and called 911 and well now he's in icu and at first he had high liver enzymes, kidney failure,not responsive at all, 0 respiration and they thought he had brain damage but now, 6 days later in icu...he's improved now somewhat ...his liver is getting better, his kidneys are a 100% better and functions great, he's very responsive and writing us perfect sentences, making motions for stuff but he can't talk cuz he's on the ventilator. They took him off the ventilator the other day for a few hours and he breathes on his own but because of the pneumonia on right lung and the newly developed staph infection, he is breathing too shallow and fast so they put him back on. I know I wrote alot but I am Sooooo scared im going to lose him. He's on a few different antibiotics but he keeps spiking fevers so im just wanting to hear some positive info about how he will get better! Is it common for someone that went through all of this to come out fine? He's young, only 28. Please no rude comments. Thanks so much

Should I sue or not I was attacked at work?

I used to work at this place for 6 years, and I was given a option too quit or be fired and I had 24 hours to answer mu GM. One day I came in for overtime and there was this worker that threw a case of frozen food at my head i ducked and he missed. Then I ran over to go get the case and as I was coming up the gentleman had ran up and surprised me with a punch in the throat and then again in the face. I just walked away in shock. I then waited for while and seen this guy again I asked him did I do something that pissed him off he then said he was going to kill me. I reported to the police and to my managers it was on tape and they got rid of me and that guy still works there now I can take care of myself so I didn't go to the docter but I still dont have a job. should i SUE

I don't know if i have staph infection?

i have red dots on my leg that look like pimples but its never pimples that i have had b4. my aunt had staph and she described exactly what i have. my head really hurts and ihave a fever. how can i be sure its staph or not? help :P im only 15.

Is working in a factory building chrysler cars worth putting education aside?

I have a friend that went straight from high school five years ago and started working in the UAW chrysler plant making $26.00 an hour bolting two parts onto the car as it goes down the assembly line. He told me college is a waste of time/money and he out earns most people with bachelors degrees. He also said college is just designed to make money off the students nobody gets a good job after they get there degree. We know a guy with a business degree and he only makes $30,000 a year and the guy working at chrysler has a much easier job with no education making almost $60,000 a year with overtime.

Am I eating too little? am I getting enough nutrients?

I think your breakfast and dinner habits are just fine, but you should eat a little more than just fruit for lunch. And if you think you exercise a lot and aren't getting enough to fuel yourself, they have powders and such you can put in water to boost your nutrients

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Did this mess up my day?

I just ate a spicy chicken from Carls jr for lunch . I wanna know if those are really bad. If I dont eat anything else except for fruit and water will it count as a "succes" today? If I do cardio will it be enough to make it seem like I didnt eat one and lose a bit of weight instead of gain? Thank you in advance

What is a staph infection and how do you catch it?

can a insect bited turn into a staph infection or mersa, and how do you know? already went to E.R., they didn't even take blood. wrote me some scripts, sent me on my way.Sould I go to another hospital for a second opinion?

My dog has luxating patella!?

Believe it or not, it is extremely common in little dogs. A really good thing to try is water therapy. I have seen it work on many dogs with hip/leg problems. Swimming doesn't put any pressure on the dog whatsoever so they will be workout out their legs, muscles, and joints very easily in a safe manner. Look it up and try it out!

Problem with an Intestinal Staph Infection?

I have a friend named Julia who turned vegan(not raw vegan) after contracting a staph-aureus infection by eating a contaminated piece of meat. That was 3 years ago. Her Doctor had to give her 2 treatment of antibiotic in order to kill those bugs. The last 2 months she cut herself and had to take an antibiotic treatment to treat t...he cut. However she feels that her intestinal flora is again showing some sign of staph/candidas infections. She does not want to go to the doctor again and get a new antibiotic treatment as she fears that her staphs are getting more strength. I told her to fast with orange/lemon juice and taking some acidophilus pills. What would you suggest in her case? She is 39. Thanks

If you signed a non-compete with a past employer, does it make sense to sue them for overtime?

The non-compete is invalid because it is too broad...but if you sue them, they will countersue about the non compete...and you'll have to fight it.

What was waiting on the other side,for the chicken who crossed the road?

ok so we get it that the chicken crossed the road to get on the other side,but what was waiting on the other side so special that the chicken had to cross the road?It must be an ancient story,can you clarify?

What are the Pros/Cons of Smoking Weed and Should I?

I Dont Know alot of my friends do and i dont. They make it seem like its not that bad because they havent changed that much after doing it other than being like obsessed with it. Idk they said its kinda good for you and its fun. But i think that it might kill brain cells, become an addiction, get me and my parents and trouble, and be bad for my asthma, not to mention that it cost a TON of money overtime. What are your opinions?

Cooking chicken breast in skillet...HELP please. REAL answers pleasee?

I am good at so many different techniques as far as cooking yet I seem to have trouble with chicken breasts. I will pound them out to about 1/4 inch, and then when I put them into the skillet, its like they immediately become practically the same size they were before...its like they shrink and become thicker. I have noticed this also makes them a bit rubbery. what is the problem? skillet too hot? hellp

No closure? What to do?

I dated his girl in the summer. We hit it off really well and loved the same stuff. We was falling really fast and I wanted to take things slow since we just met. When summer ended, it was back to work for me and college and work for her, so we wasn't around each other that much. I love her so much but I need to take care of my priorities.. She was overly-possessive, when I miss a phone call she'll be mad. I had alot on my plate and I just needed a little space or break. � Overtime, the relationship became a co-dependent one, we became obsessive over each other and it was becoming very unhealthy. My friends were concern and every time I talk to her about this, she'll get very upset and think I'm playing games with her heart. I wasn't even trying to and I didn't wanna lose her so I gave in.. Things only got worst and I was slacking off big time! It was hard because she just wouldn't understand and get angry easily. She got mad and told me to get lost which I did. I got my life back in order and balanced everything. She came back apologizing and saying she wants to try again. So we start off and things were going great until she cheated and dumped me unexpectedly while i eas sick. Ran off acted like I didn't exist or wouldn't talk to me. Why would she do this just to hurt me? Anyways, I began to accept this and move on until she came back saying she miss talking to me and let's be friends. Trying to act like she did nothing wrong and waited too damn long to talk about this. I was about to give in to her but I was just too hurt so I ignored her. I just wanted to know why she did it and she tried to swept it under the rug.So now she's acting like I never existed, talking behind my back, sometimes i feel like she stalk my profile and might be dating this new girl. I'm started to see someone to, but I'm kinda angry that she's acting this way and won't tell me why she did it. I just want closure but I can't.. She just acting like se did bogong wrong and turning the tables on me for no reason. I want to forget about her

Does sex change from lust to love overtime?

So... I'm a guy and I think I'm in love with my best friend. But it's strange... I dont want her sexually... I mean I think she's straight gorgeous and she has amazing, ya know, womanly features hahaha it's not that I dont think shes hot, but I dont think about sex with her... at all. I see attractive girls all the time and they can drive you crazy theyre so hot haha but my feelings for this girl are totally different. I think it's love... I mean we have fun all the time when were with each other and we make each other laugh and were not afraid to yell and get mad at each other and then apologize and all that jazz. So my question is... does sex go from like lustful to love? It's kind of a hard question to phrase I dont think i've explained it quite right but whatever. Basically the context of the question is that I want her in a... love context rather than just sexually. Does this make sense? what do you think?

Does corn muffin mix need to be cooked before I stuff it into a chicken breast? HELP!?

I'd ideally like to slit open the chicken breast, then stuff it with a spanish style cornbread mixture. BUT...every recipe I find online says to use pre-made corn bread crumbles. Is that just a time saver? Or does the corn bread HAVE to be cooked prior to stuffing it in the chicken breast?

Is this an insect bite?

im not trying to scare you or anything but my twin cousins had what they thought were insect bites, and it turned out to be leukemia . but you have been to the doctors and they probably made shore it wasnt leukemia

No professional knowledge here, wanting to know about eruptions oozing clear liquid sores?

i do not know if sore is the correct term several oozing sores,some become very hot,oozing clear liquid,oderless,slippery, then feels like insect sting, lingers for weeks,very crusty dry scabs that hurt when picked, then disappear,clear skin again, months goes by,and the same occurance very crusty scabs very painful on face bearded what can this be? Cancer?? does cancer heal like that only to resurface? months? Someone mentioned Staph infections, do these linger for months or even years to resurface?

Staph infection? Help?

I've had 3 staph infections and I've completed all my meidicines everytime but they always come back. I got it again so I went to the doctor and they gave me an injection. It hurts so bad, do you know when it will get better? Also can you inform me a little more on what staph infection is? Thanks and god bless

Which cartoons would win?

Meg would die and Lois would win and Roger would die and then everyone's attention would be focused on the chicken and the Stewie would kick all off their asses :P

How would you do this?

I have a recipe that calls for a citrus garlic chicken, could I make a citrus garlic rub and put that on the chicken? If so how you would go about making the rub?

Is a Z Pack or Doxycycline Better For Staph?

I had a staph infection a few years back and I think I got the 5 day Z pack and it worked real quick. Is doxycycline just as good or do you have to wait longer? I can ask the dr for either one.

Tell me a Cure for folliculitis?!?

I'm 16yr old female and i only have it where the sun don't shine :(. Its not like the kind you would see on google, but its not pretty. I've gone to the Doctor for it and got a culture, he said it was staph. The doctors keep giving me antibiotics for it, but i get vaginal infections(another pill for that) very easily. I'm not really sure what is causing it, but i get them if my underwear is too tight, i shave or trim. I mean i can't just let it grow into a bush, that would probably cause more bacteria to build up. I use anti bacteria soap too. it started in my earlier teen years but i was too embarrassed to ask for help, then they popped easily, but now they are deeper in my skin. I always have at least 1 of those boils, one after another. I'm also on birth Control. I haven't tried waxing, or would Laser hair removal be good? I just want this fix, i can't have any close relationships tell its gone :(

I have a Staph Infection abscess. Help?

Ive had these before but usually I go to the emergency room and they open it. Since I had a physical yesterday I just got an antibiotic. The abscess is throbbing. Will it heal without popping or should I go to the emergency room? Like what should I do? Please help..

A way to use up cooked chicken meatballs?

I made a whole load of chicken meatballs and they were really dull. They were basically chicken mince, grated carrot and grated zucchini. I baked them all in the oven. I had a whole load left over so froze them. I would like to use them up but need some ideas of ways to disguise them. I don't want my family to realize they are the same disgusting and boring meatballs that I served up the week before.

My legs got bigger overtime...? And how can I deal with leg scars?

My legs have little scars here and there any way to make the disappear? Or maybe less noticeable? Btw, my legs were so small back then...but now I feel that it's getting bigger! How can I lose the fat on my legs (and not replace it with muscle cuz that would make it big still). Please help!

Really mysteriouse infection(s) please help?

so i went to the doctor yesterday, a doctor that my home doctor wanted me to go to ( a specialist) to try and figure out whats wrong with me. im 16 healthy, in shape, 169 ibs 5'9. last year around september in 09 i got a staph infection in my hip while in football. and went to the hospital for 3 weeks and was in home care for 3 more. then this year ive had mono,streppe,and staph apparently in my throat and the symptoms keep coming back and leaving over the past 4 months. the doctors ive been to say theyve never seen anything like this and aren't sure what do do about it. apparently i have like 4 infections in my body, and the only ones i could remember where staph and class "c" strepp in my throat and my doctors are basically just trying to figure out why these symptoms keep reoccurring(probably because i have a weak immune system or something, i was a premy) my moms family has a large history of cancer, including her sisters, brothers kids, grandma, grandpa, uncle, etc.and the symptoms ive been having are , dry throat, nausea,headache,sorethroat, extreme tiredness, and fatigue. so how ****** do you think i am? thanks if you took the time to read all of that.

Statistics Probability Help?

On average, 30% of the time, the redheaded chicken female accepts the advances of the male, and they mate for life. How many hens must the male be introduced to to be 97% certain he will find a mate?

Why do gram stains done on 48hr cultures of staph Aureus appear to be gram negative?

When bacteria are in stationary phase they alter their metabolism in response to the buildup of wastes and reduction in nutrients. This can include a thinning of the cell wall so that the crystal violet is washed away during the destaining step.

Would she figure out that I am upset?

It's pretty obvious, especially since you do overtimes regularly. She may be feeling a little worried for having upset you. Things will come around in the end.

Why don't ducks and chickens get along?

I know ducks and chickens are of the same general family, yet they don't get along. Why don't they just embrace diversity?

Can a chicken go broody more then once a year?

One of my chickens went broody about 7 weeks ago but the eggs weren't fertile so when she went out of her nest to go eat i took all the eggs out and threw them away. 3 weeks ago i put a rooster in with my hens and i was wondering if i left all their new eggs in the nest would that chicken go broody again?

My chicken is rubbery :/.....George foreman.....?

Ok so i tried to cook chicken on a George foreman for the first time and it was kind of rubbery, it was thawed and in the fridge for a day, how do i prevent rubberyness on a george forman i have the one where you can pull the heat plates off

Impetigo on buttocks and anus? Please help!?

Hello. This is my third breakout of what the doctor class impetigo in the past year. For me, it happens about every 4-5 months. The area I have it is right at the top of my butt crack and then two spots on my butt cheek. I never knew what it was until the dr. prescribed mupirocin 2% and i read the information (its a cream). Anyway, after reading about it I'm scared that i'm going to get a staph infection or MRSA. It starts as like two red bumps that look like cuts and then i get two more on my cheek and thats about it. Its extremely itchy, but I dont itch it. Usually i just let it be, but it was soo itchy this time I called. I put the med. on last night and when I awoke this morning and looked at the area(the best I could see in that area) they bumps had turned a purple color. Is this normal? I can't find much information online about impetigo being on / near the butt crack...Thank you.

Friday, July 15, 2011

Does this sound like herpes? Or is it possible it could be ANYTHING else? Please help!!!?

I have had a burning tongue, and mouth bumps under my tongue, along my gums, and feels like in my throat as well for almost 2 weeks. Also, my mouth has a weird taste, kind of like chicken broth or something as weird as that sounds when I wake up in the morning. I recently had oral given and received (about 3 weeks ago) with a new partner and now I'm terrified I have something. I've also had headaches, a vaginal yeast infection (which i've treated already) and still some general discomfort down there, but as far as I can tell no sores or blisters in the genital area SO FAR. I feel like the timing is too much of a coincidence for it to be something else other than an STD, but i'm just praying its nothing incurable like herpes or anything. My tongue stopped burning after a few days but is still a lil sensitive and mainly the thing worrying me is these bumps that seem to keep spreading in my mouth. They don't seem to hurt except w/e is in near my throat near the back of my tongue, but I can't see if that's bumps or what. Is it possible for herpes to hurt your tongue but the actual bumps not hurt?? Sometimes I didn't even notice the burning tongue as much when I wasn't thinking about it. I know I need to go to the doctor, but I can't get an appt til next month. I did get tested 2 weeks ago already (a week after) and everything came out negative, but that was only a week after so I know it could have been false negatives. I didn't get tested for herpes, but will be sure to do so when I go back to the doc. I also feel I should note that as far as I can tell he did not have any open lesions or sores anywhere on his lips or genitals, and he says he is clean but idk bc I found out afterwards he has had several partners. I also know that you can spread herpes without a visual outbreak, but that's also confusing bc some ppl say its possible, and some ppl say there has to be an actual visible outbreak. Please help, i'm freaking out and hoping that whatever it is, its curable!!!

What temperature freezes and kills staph?

I have a staph infection in a surgical incision and am on an antibiotic. I want to disinfect my house so I don't reinfect myself. I have 2 ice packs that cannot be washed, as they are herbal in a cloth sack and I want to know if the freezer is enough to kill the germ or if there is something else I need to do-other than throw them out.

I have been having pain in my left side of my scrotum, and don't know the cause?I did urinalysis ?

And urine culture,but all negative,but I was diagonise of having of having staph aureus,don't know if that's the cause, pls reply

Staph, strep, bacterial, and yeast infection.?

So my doctor told me I have staph, step, bacteria and yeast on my down there area, I'm a girl btw. All she did was give me an antibiotic. Is there something else I should be doing? Should I be concerned?


today is thursday night and im graduating on saturday night , i have had staph infections under my nose a couple times and i have an antibiotic , i got one today and its disgusting looking. im so embarrassed by it that i might not even walk on saturday because it is so horrifying. does anyone know how to make it disappear or make it less noticeable ! PLEASE HELP!

I understand that trucking companies don't pay overtime to drivers, but what about dockworkers and secretaries?

I know the drivers are exempt form overtime, but the onsite dockworkers and secretaries don't get paid overtime either. They both work 8+ consecutive hrs every day and only get paid straight time instead of time and a half. How is this legal?

New relationship questions?

Firstly, don't worry too much about a Facebook relationship status, just don't. Secondly, it's the beginning of your relationship, sometimes it just takes time to get comfortable. Everyone knows the beginning of a relationship can be awkward, but if you give it time it might end up something great.

Good simple recipe for chicken empanadas?

Help. I have made beef empanadas before but never chicken. After some research on-line I've found a ton of recipes with too many ingredients and they all seem to call for hard boiled eggs. This makes me question the entire recipe. I've had chicken empanadas before that were made by a Puerto Rican family member and there wasn't any egg in them. Maybe she cut it so small I couldn't tell. Not sure. I do recall a tomato flavor and green olives. I know that different nationalities cook their food differently. Puerto Ricans do it their way, Cubans do it their way, etc....I plan on using frozen dough so don't worry about that part. I just need help with the filling. If everybody tells me to put eggs in then I guess I'll take your word for it. LOL.

Did I ate to much for breakfast?

No.... But where's the protein? You shouldn't eat so much sugar in the morning. Eat some eggs and some sort of whole grain.

Can I afford and how do I go about getting a condo? Are my calculations correct?

Good advice from Linkus 86. Make sure that the condo complex is financially sound and does not have very many foreclosures or short sales pending. Values and property conditions can drop drastically if too many of the units go into foreclosure. Good luck

Can anything help me lose weight?

I'm a 20 year old female and have always been big on exercising but have always been a few pounds overweight. No matter how hard I try, I can never seem to shed the 15 pounds that I want. My weight right now is borderline overweight according to my BMI so I know it should be possible for me to lose this weight but I can't. I've changed my eating habits overtime, and have a generally healthy diet and stay under my recommended caloric intake each day. I go to the gym at least 6 days a week and do interval cardio (fast pace with little rest time), long high intensity cardio( for at least 60 minutes), weight training, I've even ran 2 half marathons, and played sports all throughout high school and now college. I've tried so many different ways to try and lose the weight but I drop like 2 or 3 pounds and then gain 2 or 3 and lose back and forth for the past 5 years. Is there anything else I can, I'm nervous to try diet pills but I'm really all out of ideas...

What do you think of my poem?

I really like it! The words go together well and it is lovely. You should publish it and others on a reading website!

Why do people eat at Mc'Donalds?

It is disgusting, they claim that their beef is 100%, which is'nt true, most of the beef is usually cow lips or scraped up organs, Mc'Donald's owns there own tape worm farm! That is disgusting. They have horrible customer service, their french fries are really salty, Its 5 bucks for only 20 Mc'Nuggets!!! That is a horrible price. I can go to the store and get a bag of frozen chicken nuggets for 5 bucks, a much better deal, plus you cook them at your own home, home baked fresh. And everything on their menu has sugar in It (even the salads). My point is to get all these facts out to you people, Mc'Donalds does horrible things to their food, don't eat their! And please leave an answer, what do you think about Mc'Donalds and did you know any of those things I just told you?

Can mice and guinea pigs/rats get along if supervised?

i wouldnt reccomend it because some different species of animals can pass harmfull diaseses to other animals.

How should I handle this?

I got hired at bojangles about 2 months ago. I have hated it from the very first day, I was promised full time. Till this day the most I have gotten is 24 hours. I let my manager know that I was looking for a second job a month ago because I was not making the money I needed to, to be able to pay my bills. Well I had a interview friday and I was told to come back in monday for the drug test, then I could start tuesday. The thing is this job is a really great job I will be getting full time with the chance of overtime, its a set schedule AND A 3 DOLLAR RAISE. My question is How would should I quit bojangles. I am not a rude person and I planed on being able to put my two weeks in. This place has been very horrible to me and rude always have snide comments to say. So I know that no matter how I do it I will have to listen to there b*tching. I just don't know how to do it.

Staph and kissing?!?!?

I had staph on my knee, I took antibiotics. And this was like2 weeks ago. I'm still getting little bumps, butif I kiss my boyfriend will he get it too?

Red ring around my 10 year olds lips?

This has been happening for over 4 years. Doctors says stop licking his lips he gets teased at school I put antbactirail ointment it work at first the he bilt a resistance to it what is it . What do I do it comes on ever other month I'm tired of it. Is there a cure ?is it a rare form of ring worm or a form of staph.. tea tree oil doesn't work any more eather

Is it legal to withhold overtime pay?

My husband just started a new job last month. he works 10 hours a day, sometimes more, never less. and he works 5 days a week. so he's averaging 50-55 hours per week. his paychecks are only for 40 hours. his boss's wife handles the payroll and each week there is a sticky note with the overtime hours on it. his first paycheck said "10 overtime hours banked" he is now up to about 30 hours of overtime. here's the problem: the only way he can get his overtime is if he needs to go shopping to buy something for our house, car, etc. they won't just cut him a check for his money. also, his boss says whatever he wants to buy, he will order for him (he can get most stuff at a discount due to the type of business) but wants our receipt so he can use OUR purchases as HIS tax write off. so not only is he getting his tax write offs for his payroll (and i believe overtime pay is also a write off) he is getting a DOUBLE write off by using the stuff WE bought for OUR house. i know this isn't right. i have told my husband many times to either quit working the over time and only work his 40 hours, or reuest that they give him his overtime. he's just lazy and won't doesn't like confrontation so he won't open his mouth. he's afraid to get fired if he does. so what can i do? i was thinking about reporting them to the labor & industry board, but not sure what to do from there... can anyone give me any advice? we need that money to pay bills and the mortgage

Should i wait til tues to go see a dr or go to the er?

Already been diagnosed with a slight fracture and sprain of the ankkle one week ago, however, they completely ignored the 7 inch scrape on my shin. Now the scrape is puffy, hot to the touch, and oozing a thick yellowish green pus. Worried about staph bc I have a 2 yr old. Wait to see dr on tues, or go to the er tonight. (Sat)

How do I dispose of hazardous medical waste?

I am cleaning out a friend's house after her death. She had MRSA (flesh eating staph infection) in her bloodstream in 2007. She was on an insulin pump that administered 24 hour IV antibiotics for three months to treat her infection. Now what? I have looked online and only found a list of flush able prescription drugs...any ideas?

So who was the Blame in 2003 NBA Allstar Game?

When Jordan hit that Fadaway over Marion it seemed like it was Over but then Kobe got Fouled by Jermaine O'Neal at the Last Second to tie the Game and head to Overtime and that's when the West won..but iv heard different Stories bout whos fault it was and sum said Jermaine and otherrs said Kobe.....who do u think Cost Jordan and the East the Win

What is the point of a job interview?

obviously almost everyone tells a little white lie now and again in job interviews, they want to "sell" themselves to the interviewer so they can get the job they want. The point of an interview is so that the interviewer can meet candidates face-to-face, find out if they're skilled enough for the job and obviously what they're personality is like. you can have a sh!t hot CV but be a total ar$e in person. THAT is the point in job interviews.

Hello, I am trying to find information on how to get ride of staph infections. I get them all the time?

As soon as i finish my meds it returns in about a 2 week time frame it comes back. I dont have insurance and this is killing my pocket...any information would get greatly appreciated

Should I take my 8 month old daughter to ER for her staph infection?

I took my daughter to the doctor last week for this skin problem..they called me on friday and told me the lab test came bck positive for MRSA. I've been using the mupirocin (sp?) ointment on it for about 3 days now but today she had a low grade fever and the spot was hard and hot. I'm worried about letting it go...should I take her to the ER? My ped didn't act like it was that serious...she said just keep putting the ointment on. What to do? Thanks

How to make some extra money?

Lately I be at work doing some overtime but still not able to get enough money to get some things done for my family. I really need some good idea's on how to make some legit money, no stupid comments please, i don't want to waste my five points for nothing.

What can i do for my mrsa?

Ok so i was just diagnosed with mrsa staph infection, They put me on a VERY strong antibiotic, and a ointment that go's in the nose, they also told me to take a hot bath with a 1/2 cup of bleach and soak in it for 30 mins, i am hoping that there is a less drying method to replace the bleach, also if there is anything i can do to to help the reduce the scaring. If you have any tips please let me know!!!

Boils are popping up on my skin?

Last Tuesday, my elbow began to itch so I scratched it and then what seemed to be a spider bite appeared. The next day it swelled up completely, and truly did look like a spider bite. However, that same next day another one of these popped up on the same arm. I had no idea what these were, until I noticed a third one on my other elbow last night. I've done some research and think they are boils caused by staph. The boils are not big, they look just like misquito bites, but the first one I got had a white top last night (from pus). As well as lately, I've also been getting stomach ache and my throat has been hoarse for a few days now as well. I really worried and want to goto the doctor, but my parents refuse to take me because we don't have health insurance and they think the bumps will just go away on their own. My mom bought me a antibiotic cream to put on them. I am also a college student and I am only home this weekend. I'm really scared as I read staph infections can seap into your bloodstream if they go untreated, which causes life-threatening problems. Has anyone else just gotten random boils like this?

Why are larks so happy?

my cat just ate the kind of chicken people eat for the first time. my mom said she was as happy as a lark and i was wondering why are larks so happy. so if you would please answer this question it would help

What to do if you suspect your boyfriend of being on a single's website?

I've been with my live in boyfriend for almost 8 years. I am suspecting that he is always on singles websites looking. I caught him many years ago on one, and he had even placed an ad looking for people in the city we lived in. He claims it was for business purposes, but it was listed under "men seeking women" section. Every time I am asleep he is on the computer, and I do not know what he is doing. He shuts the computer screen off quickly when I come into the room. Also, I noticed that he is "friends" with more women than men on Facebook. Like some random woman will "friend" request him, sometimes even by accident, and he always accepts their request. I always catch him looking at photos of women on Facebook, and I ask him why he is doing that and he gets furious with me, and closes the website. One more thing, he refuses to put on his Facebook profile that he is in a relationship. He just leaves that part blank. It hurts me that he is always on the internet. I suspect him of wrong doing, but I am afraid to look at the history, because I am afraid of what I will find. I don't think I could handle being hurt any more than I already am. I think it would be devastating for me if I were to really look. On the other hand I feel like I am just burying my head in the sand, and wearing blinders to what he might be doing. I don't trust him 100%, but I love him very, very deeply. When he was sick in the hospital with a staph infection a while back, I nursed him back to health. He relies on me for everything, and I think he is used to me being a comfort to him, but I know for sure that I do not turn him on anymore. Those days of good sex are gone. He never makes love to me, and when he does it is very, very lame & quick. He never "finishes" either.

My brother has staph, and I had to change his gauz and the packing inside the wound. Will i get it?

He has a wound on his leg that was infected with staph. He is on antibiotics now, but im guessing the staph is still active in the wound. It was getting to expensive to have his packing changed at the hospital so I did it with gloves on. Afterwards i washed my hands with surgical scrub soap that we got from a nurse that's a friend. How likely is it that i will get staph? I know it was dumb to do this but he is my brother and asked so I did it.

Wher would I go to look for Gold?

I was thinkin on places to look 4 gold or would it be best to invest ingold by buying a lot of it overtime and wait for the value to go up?? And one more thing will gold be higher than it is in 10 or 15 yrs and if so what would be a good estimate??

A joke about mathematics of life?

0/10 ==> this is what i am going to give to your jokes. honestly ,these jokes are boring. manytimes i have heard these jokes. please do'nt mind.

How to get rid of intestinal bugs without antibiotics?

I have a friend named Julia who turned vegan(not raw vegan) after contracting a staph-aureus infection by eating a contaminated piece of meat. That was 3 years ago. Her Doctor had to give her 2 treatment of antibiotic in order to kill those bugs. The last 2 months she cut herself and had to take an antibiotic treatment to treat t...he cut. However she feels that her intestinal flora is again showing some sign of staph/candidas infections. She does not want to go to the doctor again and get a new antibiotic treatment as she fears that her staphs are getting more strength. I told her to fast with orange/lemon juice and taking some acidophilus pills. What would you suggest in her case? She is 39. Thanks

Is this a good diet for a 13 year old?

rice is a carb aka not good if you want to loose weight if you are going to eat rice make sure it's whole grain rice

What does "no anaerobes isolated" mean?

I have this on my microbiology report....... It states i have staph and then it says the "no anaerobes isolated" thing. Help!

Why did I make less, working overtime?

It is not just your overtime earnings that would be in the higher bracket. First compare your current withholdings with the overtime added to your gross to your prior check--box by box. Then go to your payroll office and ask them for a copy of the withholding tables they use to calculate your taxes, Federal, state, and local (if any). You also pay higher social security and medicare based on the higher gross, and some states withhold unemployment insurance. Your dental deduction should remain unchanged no matter how much you earn.

I keep getting staph infections?

I have gotten a staph infection about 5 times within the past 2 years, and am possibly getting a 6th on my eye. Is this normal? D: I go to the doctor every time I get it, and get different medication each time.

Do these meals sound healthy enough to lose weight?PLEASE HELP.?

sounds good to me, the only thing i think you should cut back on it your first breakfast option, but other then that, sounds good

Pimples or Staph Infection on face?

I am 23 years old and constantly breaking out on my face. I don't get just regular acne, but rather, cystic-infected looking nodules mainly around chin, forehead, cheeks and even back. I was diagnosed with hypothyroidism 6 months ago and my dosage has been changed from 50, to 25, to now 12.5 mcg. Do you think it's the medication? Or maybe it's a staph infection? How can you tell? Does anyone have remedies?

Staph infection in the hospital? Is it contagious?

I went to visit a friend who had a baby in the hospital last week. She found out today that she has a staph infection on her face. The doctor gave her cream to use for the next 2 weeks. I hugged and kissed her hello and goodbye. Should i be worried? Can I catch this? What do I need to do?

Can I get social security disability?

I noticed that many people I know are collecting social security disability while having no valid medical or mental conditions and working under the table and F***ing off. They are mostly immigrants. I am getting sick of having to pay 380$ for insurance a month and paying 50$ bucks for prescriptions when these drug addicts go and get free disability and don't have to pay **** for prescription AND do not have to pay insurance. I would love to sit around and glom like a fat f***, but I am too busy working my *** off to get leached off of. Is there any way I can become a fat *ss leach and get SSD after my ancestors and their ancestors and me have been paying into the system for almost 3 generations? I am working two jobs and overtime and this **** doesn't seem to be working out for me. I would love to be some leach that smokes weed all day and does Nahhthin..

Is It Love? Is It Meant To Be? Does she Really Like Me?

She really likes you, alot! Next time why dont you send her a wave, or better yet a hug. Invite her out. Compliment her. Make her fall in love with you lol

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Staph Infection in Nose?

If you seem better today then you should (with the o.k. of your dr of course) be able to continue with the meds you are on now till you finish them and probably go back for a re-check in a few days to make sure you are still healing but to come back if it starts getting worse again. If it keeps going like it has, you could be back to normal with in a week. Staph is a pretty nasty infection and can get quite serious quickly. If you had not went on to the dr, you could have ended up having to have surgery to remove your nose and that would have meant plastic surgery. If you do have to go for I.V. antibiotics, on how long you would stay would depend on the course of treatment. You could just be there on an out patient basis, meaning you would be there for a few hours for one bag or if she wanted more than one bag, you could be there overnight. Most people have staph on there bodies at all times with no problems, but some times conditions are right for it to attack. Also anytime you touch your nose, wash your hands or use one of those hand sanitizers.


Ok, so I have been with my boyfriend for about 5 years. We met in Ohio and after about a year or dating he moved in with me. He has a 4 year old son with someone else. We lived together for a year and then split up and he stayed in Ohio and I moved back to New York. We decided to get back together and chose to move to Atlanta. I worked mad overtime to get us an apartment in Atlanta and brought him down and we were there 6 months before he started galavanting off to California to try and get some contacts...he is an aspiring music producer....and he had a friend already living there. He would go, stay two weeks and come back. This went on for about 2 months before I had a breakdown and ended up in the hospital. I lost my job once I got out of the hospital, and his friend offered to put us up out in California until we could get on our feet. So I chose to come out to job waiting, no prospects, didn't know anyone. I went out on a leap of faith and ended up in California. His friend was a newleywed of all things and they had a one bedroom apartment which the 4 of us shared for about 6 months before things got really weird. They kicked us out because they said the landlord was threatening to evict them because there were too many people living in the apartment. Ok, understandable, but neither of us had jobs (my father was sending money and I was giving it to them to help out with the bills while we looked for jobs) and so now we were homeless...We slept under bridges together and slummed until finally we had to go to a shelter. While at the shelter, I was informed that I was approved for unemployment, so me and him stayed in a motel while we looked for work. I saved enough and bought him a car, and bought myself a car as well. He found work as a car sales man and I got temp work. We got into an apartment, on the money that I saved. So lets recap...I have been homeless with him, bought a car for him, put him up in two apartments so far, and now he has lost his job. There is no money coming in and I have landed my dream job. I bought a new car and am about to get myself out of the debt hole, but he is not bringing in any money and he just got approved for unemployment. I am just tired of carrying him. I want to leave him, but do not want to kick a man while he is down? The lease is in both of our names, and at this point, I just want to move out and get another apartment and move on with my life. It just seems like his head is in the clouds and not here on earth where I need him to be to help me. Any suggesstions? Thanks for reading..I know it is long winded....

HELP HELP HELP!?? Please. ?

Wow - you have a lot going on in your life. You don't give your age, so I hope this advice is not too 'young' or too 'old' for you. First, while things like cell phones and being nagged at and babysitting etc all kind of wear you down, the best lesson you can learn is that stressing about things rarely helps. Do your best, that will do. You or your family and or friends may have a habit of creating stress and 'emergencies' and 'crisis', drama, nagging, complaining, etc. Almost never help and usually just feed themselves, leaving whatever problem that started thing unsolved. Now, medication, and especially anti-biotics must follow a strict dosing regimin (schedule) to work. If the dosage is 4 per day and you are taking 2 a day then one a day then 4 a day you might as well not take anything. However, I AM NOT A DOCTOR. You should check with yours. But here is the most important part!! Most problems can usually be helped greatly with this secret formula: a little time, a little calmness, a little thinking, a little sleep, and remembering what is most important - almost nothing is ever as bad as it first seems. Good luck.

Whats good egg layers?

Good eggs layers.. The Java chicken The Plymouth Rock chicken, The Star chicken.. The Wyandotte chicken...

In a chicken baguette what salad goes well?

light vinaigrette dressing, mix freshly squeezed lemon with olive oil, salt and pepper, toss with tender greens.

Parents what is your best cooking tip/trick for a single dad like me?

i'm a single parent of an already rambunctious baby girl and i've discovered that i'm rubbish in the kitchen. i've never had anyone else to take care of before and never learned to cook. I can make a ham sandwich and that's about it. Once I thought successfully made roasted chicken, then I cut into it and it was still frozen on the inside (don't try to cook a frozen chicken LOL)

I need to know Life Cycle, Nutritonal habits, and of the staphylococcus aureus bacteria(staph infections)?

I have a biology project on Staphylococcus Aureus and I'm not able to find details on its reproductive/ life cycle and its nutrition ie (ingestive, absorptive) Please help I really would appreciate it!

A dark animated (cartoon) short I watched a long time ago but can't find it again.?

I don't know, but have you tried clicking your YT username then clicking history and going through the videos? That's all I can think of.I:

I need your opinions on SAW: The Ride at Thorpe Park, UK?

i went there once for vacation and while is intense really fun more scary like im scared than intense they have razor stuff near you but dont touch to make you scared its on my top 5 rides of all time


Aerobic exercise will burn your fat. But make sure you do longer than 25 minutes. Also try Natto for diet. It is Japanese bean. Good for your health also.

How do you write this in Spanish?

"El d�a en que nos conocimos, fue el comienzo del resto de nuestras vidas". Watch out for the accents!

Can I sue a school for Staph? Also can I sue for...?

Okay, in the year of 2008, my eighth grade year, I was 15. I had obtained Staph Aureous from my school from the gym floor, the doctor announced it and there was evidence of this. During the time I had the Staph infection, it had developed into Bacterial endocarditis, and Aseptic Mennigitis. At this point I was announced to having a 80% chance of dying, so I had to under go heart surgery on June 12th of 2008. Im now placed on blood thinners all my life (Changed my life forever). The school never paid one dime towards the surgery, nor the bills. Can I sue them for the coming into contact with a Staph infection on a school floor? Also, due to the fact of me being on blood thinners, I get colder alot easier. During winter of 2011 the school was maintained at a 40-65 degree temperature thru out the school, they refused to turn the boiler on because "it was broken" but it was announced that they wanted to save money due to the fact of it being a private school. IF my hands and feet became numb during this "attempt to save money" because of the temperature, can I sue for that? Please help? I have no clue on the basis of "suing" a school, so please dont laugh at the information Ive given for some of it might not even be needed... I just want to know if I can get anything out of all the stuff Ive went thru in this school.

Help!? Messed up my diet?!?

as long as you eat right from now on, and do a little more excersize, you'll be fine. I mess up on diets too. Heck, everyone does. Dont hate your mother, sweetie. She probably thought she was being kind by making all that food.

What is throat staph infection?

It's a bacterial infection called staphylococcus aureus, my friend, and you'll most likely require antibiotics to help you get rid of it.

Is my husband having an affair?

Hi, My husband and i are together 5 years .We dont have kids yet because kids scare me right now and im afraid of doctors but i will have children but when i am ready which is bad cause my husband wants children now and i cant because i really am not ready he is 40 im to my problem my husband was divorced he was married to a thai woman he is not thai he is dutch,they got a divorce as things didnt work out between them and he had a child with her he dosent really see the kid but pays in the financial part his child is 10..since 5 months ago a thai family live near us infact right next door and theres a thai woman there she isnt married and i find my husband out a lot in the garden and in fact he seems to be coming home from work really late sometimes 3 in the morning he is an accountant i understand the job can be hard but i dnt know if accountants do overtime so late he should be finished at 9 ,im worried he could be having an affair as he is into thai women becuase he is too friendly with her and dosent spend much time at home or with me i feel i am losing him we dont have a love life of any sort.i asked him is anything going on and he says he is doing overtime am i blind? i dont know is he lying or not why is he having so many late nights what do i do am i just being silly but i really feel he is having an affair i asked him up straight and now he feels i am not trusting him ? HELP

Is this a physical issue or mental health issue?? HELP ME!?

i think u hav both physical and mental health better consuolt a good doctor (not psychiatrist).i think u experience loads of pain, thats y u get so angry.try consulting a gud doctor!

Did I eat bad today? Helpppp?

It doesn't sounds like you ate enough! But you should try to eat fatty foods in the morning so the body has the whole day to digest them, some sugar in the after noon and something really healthy but not too greasy for dinner like a salad and some chicken

Recurring staph infections and lymph node problems.?

Hi. The key to curing eczema, psoriasis and rosacea is specific attrition of infected cells. Have a look at my blog at a href="" rel="nofollow" Here you will find a therapy, strategy for cure and 2 cures (mangosteen pericarp poultice and 4 days at a warm beach). There may be other cures such as mud bath, sulfer bath/mineral baths (these are untested by me by theoretically possible).

Safe to grill steak because of staph infection?

Guys, i am thinking about grilling some steak tonight.I like it rare. But then I heard about this staph infection all over. I live in denver, CO. Should I really take the risk?

I had a staph infection 6 months ago, I want a tattoo on my chest colored?

I have no idea where my infection came from... I already have a half sleeve... I got my chest piece done at a shop here in Chicago January 7, and my staph infection came up roughly in like February. I was on medication (bacterium) (sp?) and pain killers as well as covering it with neosporin with pain relief... I've always broke out in pimple like bumps on my body... So I've no clue if it's staph or just acne... When I had staph though they were huge swollen lumps very tender to the touch, and hot. Very red and sore. Knock on wood, I don't think I've had any flare ups since then... I mean I may have just nothing as painful... I'm wondering if it'd be okay to get my chest piece colored yet as my birthday is in 13 days... If I keep it covered the whole two weeks, EXTREMELY clean and out of the sun I should be ok? I hope so.

Recurring 'boil' on my inner thigh?

For a few months now that I can remember, I keep getting these pimple like things on my inner thigh, I know it has something to do with friction, because it only happens when i'm wearing shorts or a skirt. If it's a staph infection, is there any home remedies?

The saddest dream but also a wake up call?

I dreamed that my cousin (4 yrs) had one day until she would develop a mental disability. My mother said the only way she could live was to get this shot for staph infection (idk why)....It was the next day my cousin was fine until it hit 12 pm and she lost her site. She began crying and I was comforting her and said she would be fine and reiterated to her I loved her....all of a sudden she stopped crying and almost as if realized she was never going to be the same again so she smiled and almost acted like nothing was gonna happened. She grew this maturity that made her seem strong. To my surprise my dad showed up randomly (in reality he never shows up when we need him the most and he is a nurse) and he randomly had the vaccine in his car. He gave my cousin the shot but we were not 100% sure it was gonna work. She was still blind but she played/ hugged/talked like nothing was wrong. She almost adapted to the blindness right away. It was beautiful bc instead of living like her life was miserable....she lived it like there was no tomorrow. The last part was bringing her back to her mom bc I wanted her mom to see her before my cousin fully developed the mental disability but I woke up before I could see if she developed the disability. I cried when I woke up bc this dream was a wake up call. I have never had a family member with disabilities/illness and the amount of maturity my cousin grew really inspired me to live life with no regrets. ....I had to spill my thoughts. What do you think this whole things means?

Suggestions on finding a new home for a sick cat?

My cat is 8 years old and has a recurring staph infection. She has been to the Vet several times and has been on antibiotics for over a month. The infection goes away and then returns. I am pregnant and due any day now so she is being moved to my mothers which is not an ideal home for her. She may or may not be allowed inside as my sister's boyfriend does not want her in the house with a staph infection. I would love to keep her here and continue treating her but that is not an option with a newborn coming into the home. Any suggestions on finding a temporary home until she heals or a permanent one if not would be welcome. My Vet would like to run more tests but this will cost anywhere between 800-1000 dollars and she will have to be put under. She also has a heart murmur and I can't justify spending that amount of money when it may not help the situation.

Is it illegal in the US to work someone more than 70 hours?

My bf is currently working retail for an 11.00 hourly wage and is considered part time. He doesn't receive any benefits. He told me today that this past week including today he'd have worked more than 71 hours. He has been scheduled for 9 hour shifts almost everyday. Next week, he will be scheduled for much shorter shifts. Either way, I know his hours will come out to more than 80. Will he get paid overtime if he isn't a full time employee. Shouldn't they make him a full time employee if they are going to work him this many hours? Isn't it illegal to work someone this much in one week?

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

How come no one heard of ace hood?

im from the uk and ive heard of ace hood but hardly eny other people do! hes a great rapper for me e the best one out there especially his overtime song and why do people like lil wayne he cant really rap and his voice is so annoying

My dog throw up this morning?

ok sunday i fed my dog in the morning around 9:00 (the time i usually feed her) i was going out later so i fed her a little early than i usually feed her(i fed her around 4 she usually eats around 6:30) monday i took her out around 8:30 she had a normal poop but she was also trying to eat grass but she wouldn't eat her food so she ate some grass and in the evening around 6:30 i gave her some food now yesterday she was eating normally and she pooped normally but today she threw up yellow bile around 10:15am and then when i took her out to go to the bathroom she had diarrhea (around 11:30) i haven't fed her any food yet because i heard you should with out food for at least 24 hours and then slowly introduce bland foods (last time she ate was 6:30pm yesterday) so i'm wondering should i try to feed her rice and boiled chicken tonight she seems hungry and she did drink some water last time she had this problem she didn't have anything wrong with her no parasites or anything and the vet sent me home with centrum for the diarrhea and throwing she was fine after a day or so im not able to take her to the vet(im in a wheelchair and i need someone to drive me) until friday or saturday so im not sure what to do could this just be a little stomach bug ?

Not a normal person; roll of a husband might be hell in the future...?

Yes, I am not very normal person, and please keep the criticism to your self. To start it off I am not a christian, while most of the population is christian/catholic, this might give me trouble in the future... Although I'm still quite young this worries me for when I have a wife. This is not the only thing that's different about me, this might surprise you... I haven't had any shots, no I am not a sick person, I've never got any major diseases besides the common cold. Even so, how can I explain this to my wife, she might think I'm crazy. I was also raised not to eat any meats besides chicken and fish. Other meats are considered unhealthy to my family, and no I am not Indian Lol. I really need advise, It seems like I'm carrying a lot of pressure and I do not know what to do for my future.

I was shorted on my paycheck, can they charge me for city tax again when I get my check for the shorted hours?

No, you should not be charged an additional $8 because it sounds like $8 is collected every two weeks and not dependent on how much you make or how many checks they have to write. I've honestly never heard of such a thing, but there you have it.

My toddler got mrsa staph infection at the hospital?

My 3 year old fell from the couch and broke his arm.we were at the hospital for 3 days and they inserted 3 pins. 4 days later when i took him for his check up they took the splint out and looked at the pins and changed the dressing, the surgeon had gloves but the assistant who does the cast didnt. That same night at home my son had lots of fever and pain, i took him to the er the next morning and they confirmed he had infection but werent sure wich one. after 2 weeks of being here in the hospital with my son and 3 surgeries late to drain the infection they confirmed he has staph/mrsa infection. He has been on IV antibiotics and now want to insert some IV that is very long that inserts in the arm and goes all the way up thru the chest so he can go home and i can administer the antibiotics. I am very scared that this is a bad thing and dangerous!!! has anyone had success recovering from this infection????

Help! Worried sick about my baby?

My daughter is 9 and a half months old and has always had extremely sensitive skin. Terrible eczema, cradle cap and random rashes. After using California Baby calendula cream her eczema is under control, however for through longest time her nipples have been a persistently effected area. As soon as she her nipples are exposed she starts itching and grabbing them instantly. (I even have to cover them with a wash cloth whenever I bathe her) They are always either peeling, bleeding, or has pus/liquid oozing from them. The pediatrician has prescribed hydrocortizone and an anti-fungal cream and neither have made a difference. He now prescribed an ointment to treat staph infections and MRSA. I am terrified at the possibility of MRSA. She is never in a daycare or hospital, and I stay at home with her. I don't know how she could have caught MRSA if that's what it is. I am supposed to call back in 10 days after using the cream if there is no improvement to be referred to a dermatologist. Does anyone have experience in this situation? I can't stop thinking about it and I'm so worried. Any input would be appreciated. Sorry its so long and if there are errors, I'm on my cellphone.

Gastritis?? Or

I've been having an empty feeling in my stomach for about the past two weeks now. I went to my doctor and she said that it was either gastritis or a peptic ulcer. It started off as me feeling hungry all the time, then developed overtime to just nausea. I feel like i can't eat as much, but get hungry quicker? I'm constantly feeling like i have to vomit although it never happens. I'm wondering though if these are symptoms of gastritis or pregnancy. Don't think i'm stupid...but i am a virgin, i've just been getting paranoid with people on here saying you can get pregnant without sex...i don't believe it, but i get paranoid really easily. I just got off my period about 2 weeks ago, but i had extremely painful cramps which i usually don't have. So i don't know if that's connected. I'm also feeling bloated all the time and fatigued. So please help me?? :(

Needs help with staph infection (MRSA)?

I have a staph infection i picked up in an athletic locker room. It is on my right lower wrist and never heals. I've picked at it a lot but recently having been touching it at all. i went to the doctor and they gave me this cream but it didnt work at all, ive hade better results with neosporin cream. What can i do to get rid of this, any remedies or over the counter medications. Its embarrasing and i try to hide it from my friends. i feel like this infection isnt letting live my life to the fullest.

Please help.. Women or medics only..?

I've has these huge.. Boil like things.. On my vagina ever since I can remember.. I had one when I was little that never went away.. The dr told my mom it was nothing to be concerned with almost like a birthmark.. But it was down there and not a dark skin but a little bump. when I got into jr high I had gotten a few more along the years.. Eventually theyd pop and drain thereselves and I just delt with them. But now I'm in high school and the past 3 year they've been really bad and I'm just so embarrasses of them.. I have 5 right now. And that's just on my vagina. Over the years they've decveloped under my arm pits.. Thighs.. Lower back.. And now my breast. I'm so embarrasses of them. And they Hurt so bad. I even came out and told my dr about them and all he said was that they could be herpes. But I got tested and they weren't. I knew they weren't I've had them since I was young. I have scares from some of them and two of them never really go away. I'm just so tired of them and my dr has basically given up. He said it was staph and gave me some cream and antibiotics but they just came back.. Idk what to do. Please if anyone knows what this is help me!

Do you think my boss is ripping me off?

Technically, if you are working overtime, it's overtime on HOURLY pay. If you are salary, there is no limit. Salary pay is what covers your employer's butt. IF however, your pay at present is based on HOURLY wages, then you should probably talk with the BBB. Obviously, HR at your workplace isn't going to do anything on your behalf, and sad to say, that's becoming more normal. Unfortunately, the job market is slim enough that employer's aren't worried about over working their employee's because in the end, if the employee grouses too loudly, they can find a way to let the employee go and find a more desperate person willing to work just as hard. Even contacting the BBB however, could put you at risk. It is not supposed to, as that goes against ethics in the workplace, but I've seen it happen many times. If you can't find resolution with your boss, then I'd suggest dropping down to the bare minimum hours of what you need to do and just work like the rest of your co-workers. Sometimes, reaching your full potential isn't what is healthy for you when it comes to your job. This simply because companies see that and some are just slimy enough to take that to their advantage.

Cheating an affair it cant be is it?

Hi, My husband and i are together 5 years .We dont have kids yet because kids scare me right now and im afraid of doctors which is bad cause my husband wants children now and i cant because i really am not ready he is 40 im to my problem my husband was divorced he was married to a thai woman he is not thai he is dutch,they got a divorce and he had a child with her he dosent really see the kid but pays in the financial part..since 5 months ago a thai family live near us infact right next door and theres a thai woman there she isnt married and i find my husband out a lot in the garden and in fact he seems to be coming home from work really late sometimes 3 in the morning he is an accountant ,im worried he could be having an affair as he is into thai women becuase he is too friendly with her and dosent spend much time at home or with me i feel i am losing him.i asked him is anything going on and he says he is doing overtime am i blind? i dont know is he lying or not why is he having so many late nights what do i do am i just being silly ? HELP!

Do you think the recent finding from a study that about 50% of meat and poultry is contaminated by staph?

bacteria, will turn more people towards veganism/vegetarianism or towards organic meats? Or will people just ignore it thinking it will get someone else not them.

Fighting a staph infection?

Today I went to the doctor and apparently i have folliculitis. The limph nodes in my underarms hurt so bad. Is this because of the infection?

Are thin lips prettier than plump lips?

I was looking at old, OLD, (older than dirt) magazine adds and all of the women in the adds had the same look one feature I noticed was thin lips. They weren't lip less but they had thin lips. Today people go and buy lip plumper? Angelina Jolie is known for her famous full lips. Have beauty standards changed overtime? I mean at once fair skin was beauty now the tanning industry is booming. What do you guys think?

My employer deducts 1/2 an hour off my pay each day for time taken to drive the company vehicle back.?

Deducting the lunch is ok but they should not be deducting your driving time because it is part of your job responsibilities.

Which to cook for my boyfriend tonight for dinner?

Ooooh lamb and apricot meatballs sounds good..... You can serve it warm and relax and enjoy it together, why not get him involved in helping cook it? Add a little spice to the kitchen ;)

Am i being selfish? I need advice?

No. He is the one being selfish. I suggest you sit down and have a chat with him explaining how you feel. Also, you can order something like a salad if you guys go to a restaurant.

What foods should I eat?

I weigh 128,I was 114 in March,I don't eat chicken everyday,But I do eat it and meats like ground beef,etc. I always buy a protein bar after my workout,Should I go on a diet,what types of meats should i eat for weight training.

Repeating Staph Infection?

I seem to have a staph infection almost yearly in the same spot. Why is that? I do not have poor hygiene and treat it properly every time with antibiotics. Is it common for it to repeat like that? Thank you!

Agree or Disagree: phil jackson new it had to be Kobe to bring home the first championship?

omfg thank you for this. now that will shut up the people that say kobe rode shaqs back to win 3 championships

Will my husband regret not putting any effort into our marriage?

I have been with my husband 5 years, married for two. Generally we have had a great reationship, the usual bickering and arguing but nothing major. We have a good life, are financially secure and have great friends. Things changed at the beginning of the year when beause of other committments we stopped seeing each other so much - it was mainly due to my work as I had a lot of overtime, he works shifts and only has one weekend off in four. Our conversations seemed mainly to be about the house and mundane stuff like that. I felt the intimacy was going a little and decided to put in some effort to spend quality time together, but he just didn't seem interested. I kept trying but then in April when we were away for a weekend I found messages on his phone to a work colleague - one telling her he missed her and the othe r saying that he'd been trying to call her from a phone box. I was devastated and confronted him about them. He was adamant they were only texting and talking, and it started because he felt we had lost our 'spark'. After a couple of weeks thinking I decided I did not want to throw away my marriage if we could get it back on track and I really wanted to try. But he decided he didn't want to and said he had decided there might be someone better out there for him. He's stuck to that since and I'm now in the process of buying a house and moving out. I feel competely shellshocked by it all, and don't understand how he can just throw away a marriage like it was nothing and didn't require any effort. He has always had a very easy life and had everything provided for him - I feel he just thinks that if a relationship takes effort it can't be right. But surely a bit of effort is going to be needed after 5 years? I feel very ashamed that we have split up so early on, but know that I can't force him to be committed. I've done my best to just get on with my life, but now other guys are showing an interest in me he doesn't like that either! Should I be patient and hope that he's going to regret what he's done? Or am I better off putting him behind me because I would never be able to rely on him when things do get hard? I change from day to day and really don't know what to do for the best.

My 13 mo threw up water and has diarrhea, what should I do?

instead of baking soda get a nylon fill it with oatmeal and wet it till its sloppy and goopy. Then dab it on her bum and you make want to switch to cloth diapers or panties so you can change her as soon as shes wet.

Yeast Infection or something else?

Hi. Last week I freaked out a little, I had a lump in my vagina. I went to the doctor and he said it was just staph so I took antibiotics and it went away. Seven months before hand I thought I had a yeast infection, because I had burning, itchiness and white discharge. I never went to a doctor and just bought cream over the counter and it seemed to go away after that cream. It came back kind of a few months later, and it wasn't as bad as the first time but, I kept getting a watery discharge that smelt yeast like. Before I went to the doctor for the staph, I did a little research to find out what my condition was and I read that sometimes people confuse yeat infections for other things, possibly herpes (which I am really worried about). I have had sex before but never unprotected, I have given head without a condom though. Was it likely that I just had a yeast infection if the cream worked the first time? I am just worried because of the watery smelly discharge I had after it, in case it was something else. Thanks.

How is MRSA different from general 'staph bugs'?

Answer quick please. How is MRSA ( methicillin-resistant staphylococcus) different from general staph bugs?

Can washing your balls give you staph infection?

One day someone told me that if I washed my balls to much, it could give me staph. Since then I avoided washing my balls like a plague but today I noticed some weird yellow hairs on the underside of my penis so that freaked me out and I washed them very well and shaved the yellow hairs off, but I'm still wondering, is it really safe to wash my balls?

How can i get rid of scars from staph?

ok a while ago i had a staph infection on my butt and now i have three lil black scars and i wanna get rid of them please help me im only 13

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Treating a Staph Infection without antiobiotics?

I have a friend named Julia who turned vegan(not raw vegan) after contracting a staph-aureus infection by eating a contaminated piece of meat. That was 3 years ago. Her Doctor had to give her 2 treatment of antibiotic in order to kill those bugs. The last 2 months she cut herself and had to take an antibiotic treatment to treat t...he cut. However she feels that her intestinal flora is again showing some sign of staph/candidas infections. She does not want to go to the doctor again and get a new antibiotic treatment as she fears that her staphs are getting more strength. I told her to fast with orange/lemon juice and taking some acidophilus pills. What would you suggest in her case? She is 39. Thanks

Does hair dye lighten over time?

my hair is naturally black but with a tiny tiny bit of brown. however, recently i bleached my TIPS blonde and today i redyed it black . but it came out wayyy too dark. much blacker than my original hair color. will it lighten overtime?

I think i have staph?

I have a sore on my right foot above my pinky toe with red streaks shooting from it. Could this be staph infection?

Should i go on vacation with my family or stay with my grandparents and work?

This sounds crazy when I ask it like that, but I'll be 16 next month and I really don't want to miss work which means a couple hundred dollars that could have been earned, all down the drain. I'm employed for my grandparents and they are hard-a$$es, so they are kind of pissed that I will be gone.. The only reason I am considering not going is because I really want a car, whcih i have to pay for myself, a laptop, and back to school clothing. if i were to go on vacation, i would miss the money. My parents and brother are going on vacation to cali, but they are going to the part that will be overcast and 70 ish the whole i'm really not missing much. I do want to go, bad, because it is my vacation, but it just seems more logical to stay with my grandparents and work. I asked if i could work overtime and make it up but the buisness doesn't really work like that,it comes in steadily. Also, another lady that works there will be gone the same week as i am so not only were my grandparents even more ticked but its a lot of work to make up when i get back, and way more pressure if i do go. I just don't know what to do becaue I love vacations but it just seems like a hastle to go! :(

Am i a pimp IRL or wut?

I usually go to the clubs 4 days a week to pick up chicks i get alot of threesomes and take them to the motel for a 2 hour session. After that i go home to my girl and tell her i just finished work "she thinks i work alot of overtime" and i bang her in the same night. Am i a pimp? Am i living the dream or wut>

Did I sound like I was blowing him off?

Basically i've been with my boyfriend 6 months. We rushed things by going straight into a serious relationship and spending 24/7 together but now we're slowing things down. I always wanted all his time but now we have structure and planned to meet up tomorrow and sunday. We was texting just now, he was saying how he's got overtime at work but made sure wednesday was free for us to meet. I then thought I'll show how I'm letting him have his own time and being nice by saying 'we can leave wednesday if you want?, you can stay at work or go the gym or something? I don't want to get in the way' I really want to see him but now it sounds like I don't? He hasn't replied yet!

What the ****???????????????????????

Last night I went all out....I had 2 tostito Pizza's, 14 Dr. Pepper's (Canned), 2 Hot Pockets, 12 ounce steak, a taco bell XXL burrito with a side taco, and 2 McDonald's Hot N Spicey Chicken Sammiches. I swear to god I had a feeling that I was sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo… ****** high/drunk off food I couldn't even think. Like, it was a better high than MayJane could deliver but it was hella weird. what causes this?

Can staph infections be painful?

Back in 07, I had the worst MRSA case in Cincinnati... (or so they said) It was the single most painful thing I have ever been through. I had 4 surgery's and plenty of medical bills. I'm sure it differs from person to person, and I'm not trying to scare you but I'm answering from personal experience. I would not wish the pain on my worst enemy.

Staph infection /kidney infection?

my grandpa 65yrs has Osteomyelitis and recently was put in isolation(for week immune) and now his kidneys are being infected what are the chances of him living? Also he has been in the hospital just a little over a month and has had several surgerys in knee and back to drain pus oh and he has some i.v to his heart

Question about raising happiness levels within oneself?

I was wondering what things there are that a person can do to raise their levels of happiness. Are there specific foods a person can eat to change their usual emotional states overtime. I heard that eating a lot of junk food can cause a person to be in a bad mood more often, and that eating a lot of healthy foods will cause a person to be happier more often. Now occupying oneself with positive things that they enjoy doing will obviously work, but I really just want to know if different food plays a part in this overtime or anything else. Please only positive and serious answers.

Healthiest way to prepare lean meats?

Boiling them. Most of the fat and unwanted carbs are taken out that way. Frying is by far the worst.

I think my friend's boyfriend is a complete liar...?

Okay my friend Natasha has a boyfriend of 2 months named Chris. Chris claims that when he lived in New York (about 3 years ago) he was in a gang called 3 Ne. He said he stole $10,000 from them and gave it to a family member who put it in their parents bank account after his parents have been working overtime. (Apparently they didn't notice their account had an extra $10,000...) Now, 3 Ne is looking for Chris. Chris claims he has a gun and has shot 4 people in this 'gang'. My friend believes this, but I don't. This kid is going into 9th grade and Natasha is going into 10th. How do I bring up that I think this whole gang thing is complete bull?

Willl this make me fat?! Or is this really unhealthy?

Today I woke up, had whole grain cereal and skim milk with fruit, went for a 3 mile run, came home and eventually had some chicken fajitas for lunch (make from scratch, pretty healthy). The only thing was i over ate a little. Since i work tonight, thats all ill eat today. Will over eating at lunch cause me to gain weight?

Which is better for my laptops battery?

Keep it on main power supply, switch off, and use the remainder of your battery only when you need it, no problem

How long can I marinate chicken?

I want to marinate some chicken breasts in KC Masterpiece Buffalo for my dinner for tomorrow night. I read to be careful with acidic marinades and not marinate them too long. Problem is I don't have time when I get home to marinate for an hour and a half and then cook. Can I marinate tonight until then or atleast in the morning til I get off?

23 years old, no job, no major education, Can someone help me please?

You can find job positions for college students and graduates with different degrees online thru this site -

How to properly dress stitches?

Nurses & Doctors answers will differ. If I were you, cover it at work and air it out when you get home. I think you know what's best.

What kinds of staph infections are there?

My daughter has had infections since the age of 10, after her appendix burst. Over the years so many doctors have done so many tests and could figure nothing out. Finally I took a culture of one of her many many lesions and they found it to be staph. Due to problems with her kidneys, she went to the hospital 2 years back and they sure were not any help. She's 26 now, and her body is trying to shut down. She has thousands of scars from breakouts all over her body, Especially her ears, armpits, and stomach. We have been around her all her life and have never contracted anything from her. I am so tired of getting the runaround. Medical debts are outrageous especially when there seems to be nothing but quacks. My daughter has been going through severe pain and massive infection outpourings for 16 years now. Is there somebody that knows what they're doing and that are willing to help her before it is too late?

My friends, cousins and parents are coming over!?

OK. My friends, cousins and parents are coming over and I'm worrying. I've roasted chicken, cheese and chocolate fondue and some meatballs spaghetti. I think they'll not be so impressed, what do you think?

I will be having less sleep due to work, how do I make it easier?

A lot of people might say coffee and energy drinks, but the best solution is vitamins, a healthy diet, and regular excercise. After about a week, your body will fall into the routine and it will get easier. Just make sure you have a regular sleeping schedule going on. Try to avoid greasy, unhealthy food because it only makes your more tired. Try working out a bit when you get off work because it'll help you sleep better at night, which will make you better prepared for work the next day. What ever you do, avoid excessive amounts of caffeine! Good luck!

I may or may not have staph infection but it's getting better on its own. What happens if untreated?

I am a marine and I just got done training for three days with no change of clothes and no shower. When I got undressed to take a shower I say I had this small red bump that kind of looked like a pimple on the right side of my thigh but instead of being white on the tip it was black. I squeezed it to pop it and some gooey clear stuff and blood came out but no pimple. I cleaned the area very good and put Neosporin on it and it is going away. What happens if its staph and I don't seek medical attention because it's getting better on it's own?

Is is a staph infection? or NO?

So, I got road rash pretty bad on my left elbow and lower left leg and I didnt get home for an hour or two to clean it. Then a few days later I notice ichyness on my thighs (no near my wounds) later that day I unrap my wounds and find the same stuff (White pimple like with red all around, some even scabbed over in a white layer) Its pretty itchy and I've been covering it in antibaterial ointment. Any clue what it is or why its on my wounds AND my thigh? If you know of any informational websites let me know and what should I put on it to make it go away faster? THANKS.

I lost parts of my voice and I have a horrible cough. Help?

I had a sore throat before going to a concert. It was nothing major. I did not have a cough and it felt like I had just been talking to much. I was getting ready for a speech i had Wednesday so i was talking a lot three days before. Wednesday night was the concert and while having a good time and singing along I really messed up my throat. On the ride home while singing along with friends I noticed my voice was getting worst and worst. By the time i got home my "false setta" or what ever you call it was completly gone. I found this weird because no matter how sore my throat has been in the passed, it never messed up my "false setta." Tommorow makes a week and it still has not returned. I went to the doctor and was tested for "staph" and "mono" but both came back negitive. Could I have permentantly damaged my voice?